Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Fracas in the Dugout

When I read the sports section of the Washington Post this morning, I was taken aback to see how 34-year-old Jon Papelbon, a recently acquired star relief pitcher for the Washington Nationals, unceremoniously tried to discipline his teammate 22-year-old outfielder Bryce Harper, a top contender for National League MVP.

It seems that Papelbon didn't like the way Harper simply jogged to first base after hitting a long-ball out.

The Post reported that "Papelbon said 'run that out' to Harper as the outfielder walked toward the dugout after the flyball out, and he followed Harper to the dugout steps, still jawing to him.

As "Harper yelled back at Papelbon, saying 'let's [expletive] go,' Papelbon then grabbed Harper's throat, and the two wrestled near the dugout bench until teammates and two coaches pulled them apart.  Papelbon later apologized."

Papelbon rose through baseball with the Lowell Spinners, a team that has a player development contract with the Boston Red Sox.  After ascending to the big leagues at Fenway Park, he was an instant rookie sensation known for his high-level intensity which included a devil-eyed stare at batters prior to entering into his windup.

He played for Boston for six years and  was traded to the Philadelphia Phillies in 2012, before coming to the Nationals this year.

For his antics with Harper, Papelbon has been suspended for the rest of the year
Ah, la violence dans les sports!  (Oh, The violence in sports!)

A Google search yielded comments from a few well-respected baseball greats such as Cal Ripken, Jr., and David Ortiz that these incidents happen much more frequently than we know of, but they usually occur out of sight in the locker room.

However, this one happened in plain view before national TV cameras and home team baseball fans.

Doesn't matter where it happens, though.High intensity playing and remaining focused in sports does not include fights between players.  The suspension is well-deserved.

Thanks for checking in and remember to take care of yourselves.

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