Monday, February 4, 2013

Hearing on Mosque Application Continues Tuesday Evening

A large group of people gather at the September 4, 2012
meeting of the Bernards Planning Board.
Tomorrow night at 7:30 pm, representatives of the Islamic Society of Basking Ridge will appear at a Planning Board meeting in Bernards Township to continue presenting data and to testify in support of an application to build a mosque in the Liberty Corner section of Basking Ridge.

The proposed site is located at 124 Church Street on a four acre lot.  If approved, a mosque of approximately 4300 square feet will be erected on that property, and a parking lot will be laid out, subsequent to demolition of the home now at that location. 
Other well-spaced homes line Church Street, on the southern side of which is historic farmland.  Harry Dunham Park is a short walk away.

Mr. Ali Chaudry looks towards the audience, as
counsel addresses the Bernards Planning Board
on September 4, 2012.
I last attended a hearing on this matter back on September 4th, 2012. That night, the seats in the hearing room at the town hall in Basking Ridge were full – standing room only.
At the September meeting, Mr. Ali Chaudry and his attorney were the two persons at the microphones presenting testimony.  Mr. Chaudry, along with others, will, if successful, become the founding members of the proposed mosque.

Ordinarily, at such hearings, only the attorney representing his/her clients is permitted to present testimony.
However, that evening, Mr. Chaudry was allowed to testify as a ‘non-professional expert,’ due to his research concerning the growth of the Muslim population in this area, as well asto how his projections as they might affect the number of worshippers at the proposed site. 

Carol Bianchi, a member of the Bernards Planning Board
makes an inquiry of applicant's petition for construction of
a mosque on Church Street at Liberty Corner, NJ.
(Note:  Ms. Bianchi became Board Chairpersonin 2013.)
The accuracy of these data are relevant, because they have a direct bearing upon the size of the proposed structure, as well as the number of parking spaces required to accommodate worshippers.
Throughout the evening, the Planning Board challenged Mr. Chaudry to substantiate the data which he presented, and the projections upon which they are derived. 

During the section of the hearing in which the public is given a chance to ask relevant questions, residents rose to present their own views.
The number of parking spaces required is still a matter of contention.

(Click on any image for an enhanced view.)

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