Monday, November 7, 2011

Bridgewater to Select New Mayor on Tuesday

Initially, Bridgewater officials did not expect such a large turnout for the debate between the three mayoral candidates which took place on Thursday evening, November 3rd, at the Bridgewater Municipal Complex. 

However, the world of politics in Bridgewater is still vibrant, and that means that high-profile local contests usually attract large gatherings.  Bridgewater residents had already filled a relatively small conference room to overflow capacity, even as other citizens began to fill the corridors.

Dan Hayes, Council Member and mayoral candidate.  (Image/Dick Bergeron)
Nonetheless, contingency plans had already been made by the League of Women Voters and the Township – the venue was quickly changed to the much larger public meeting room just a few feet away. 

The Township Council had already been in closed session, but it graciously gave up the larger room, and a swap was quickly made.

Running for the mayor’s office are three very qualified candidates, all of which have experience in the affairs of Bridgewater, and some of whom know this town like the back of their hand.  This race was prompted by the announcement by current Bridgewater Mayor Patricia Flannery that she would not run for another term of office.

In alphabetical order:

Dan Hayes, the Republican running for Mayor, presently sits on the Bridgewater Township Council and is running on a ticket with Matthew Moench and Christine Henderson-Rose who are seeking re-election on the Township Council.

George E. Jones, independent candidate for Bridgewater Mayor. (Image/Dick Bergeron)
George E. Jones is an Independent candidate running for the Mayor’s office.  There are no independent candidates running for the Township Council with him.

Jim Ventantonio, the Democrat running for Mayor, currently holds no elected office and is running on a ticket with Mary Pranzatelli and John Rooney, who are looking to unseat incumbents Moench and Rose on the Township Council.

Thursday’s debate, which was jointly sponsored by the Courier News and the League of Women voters, was a feisty but civilized affair accompanied by none of the negative personal antics which have come to characterize so much of political life. 

Jim Ventantonio, Democrat for mayor. (Image/Dick Bergeron)
But don’t mistake civilized for ‘wimpy.’  Terry Thompson from the League of Women Voters moderated that debate with a series of questions written on cards which had been handed out to citizens prior to the debate.

The topics were wide-ranging, and were reflected in questions posed to the candidates.  Some of the issues and questions which were debated are summarized below:

·         Bulky trash pickup (Why was it ended? Are you going to restore it?).

·         The state of road conditions and zoning in Bridgewater, for example, the recently-passed ordinance which specifies – among other requirements – the  type, location and use of structures which are permitted in residential areas such as on the site of the former Redwood Inn.  The latter is now being litigated.

·         What are your positions on the perennial thorn-in-the-side of Bridgewater residents caused by the high level of total real estate taxes?

·         What, if elected, would you, as mayor, bring to the table as a management style?

·         The issue of why green acres funds were used for recreational purposes (turf fields) was debated.  Was the referendum question which was the source for the allocation of those monies made clear enough to Bridgewater voters at the time that the referendum was placed before them?

·         The topic of the perceived high level of legal fees was raised, and of whether Bridgewater Township legal work should be in-house or contracted out.

·         Mayoral compensation:  Will you be a full-time mayor?  Will you accept or reject the salary and paid medical benefits that accrue to that position?

·         Will you, as mayor, conduct civil unions?

·         Will you use the office of mayor to further the interests of your political party?

·         How would you control unlawful speeding on Bridgewater streets?

·         Should cellular telephone towers be permitted in Bridgewater’s residential areas?    

And so it went during the entire evening.  None of the mayoral debaters gave any ground to one another, if they held a different position on a topic.  It was encouragingly refreshing to sit in on a local event like this that had not been sanitized in advance.

None of the three mayoral candidates is unqualified for this job, but there are significant differences between their management styles, backgrounds, and proposed solutions.  I hope that you will take some of your time to evaluate these candidates and that you go to the polls on Tuesday, November 8th.   

Whoever occupies the mayoral seat in Bridgewater come next January, whether it be Hayes, Jones or Ventantonio, will have a major and lasting effect on Bridgewater’s future.  This election is one of the most important ones in decades and should not be taken lightly.

All of your individual votes are critical. Remember, you can’t play the game if you don’t show up! 

Thanks for reading.  Enjoy the balmy weather.

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