Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Strings from the Bridgewater-Raritan High School Orchestra Entertain at Bridgewater’s Open House

On Wednesday, October 13, Bridgewater Township officials hosted an open house at the new Municipal Complex. In attendance were dignitaries from the local to the state level. There was a festive mood to this occasion, and the weather could not have been more propitiously cooperative.

Bridgewater citizens and other guests are entertained by the strings of
a Bridgewater-Raritan High School ensemble in Bridgewater's
new Municipal Complex last Wednesday evening.
Beginning at 4 pm and ending after dark at 8 pm, the open house included individually guided tours of the buildings, conviviality among friends and acquaintances which included hors d’oeuvres and dessert served free of charge by local businesses.

The official ribbon cutting ceremony took place on the outside patio, bathed in the bright sunlight of a low lying western sun.

There were plenty of people in attendance, much to see, to eat and to do – and an abundance of photo ops. In this blog post, though, I wish to highlight one aspect of the occasion:

During the latter half of the evening, a group of six string musicians from the Bridgewater-Raritan High School orchestra entertained people coming and going from the main meeting room as they lingered and chatted, sating their appetites with gustatory freebies.

Assembled by Joe Lalumia, music teacher and B-R High School Orchestral Director, the string sextet performed commendably. In speaking with Mr. Lalumia that evening, I found out that these students had come together on rather quickly to perform for the occasion.

Below is a group of photos showing close-ups of the string ensemble performing at the open house.

Concentrating on the Performance

Emphasizing the low notes.

The harp lends its contribution to the B-R High School's
six musician string ensemble.

Violinists await their cue.

Bringing the score to life.

Enjoying hors d'oeuvres to the accompaniment
of the musicians.

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