Friday, October 8, 2010

Bridgewater-Raritan Marching Band to Fly the American Flag

Bridgewater resident Dave Mountney submitted an op-ed piece printed on Thursday in the Courier News:  If correct in all of its claims, it presented a very startling picture.  There must be a rational explanation, I thought.  Or there must be something amiss.

According to Mr. Mountney, the Bridgewater-Raritan High School Marching Band “does not march in parades with the U.S. flag.  He underscored his point by stating that, “They don't march with the ‘Stars and Stripes’ in Somerville's St. Patrick's Day Parade or the Bridgewater Memorial Day Parade in Bradley Gardens,”  whereas, he continues, “The Somerville High School Marching Band has a student carrying the U.S. flag in parades as does the Immaculata High School Marching Band.

I found these assertions disturbing and tried to get clarification by calling several sources.

First, I tried to call Mr. Mountney, but Verizon indicated that his number is unlisted.  I then called several sources in the Bridgewater-Raritan administration with knowledge or responsibility – direct or indirect – for the activities of the Bridgewater-Raritan Marching Band.  It was mid-to-late yesterday afternoon.  Two secretaries in the Wade Building were very instrumental in pointing me in the right direction.

Early this morning, Dr. Leonard Herman, Supervisor of Fine and Practical Arts returned my call.  Dr. Herman who is new in his position since July 1st of this year has, among other duties, general responsibility for the bands.  He was not aware of this situation.

Len said that he had looked into it and was advised that over time, the American flag once used in parades by the marching band had “fallen into disrepair and was not usable.”  As a consequence, the marching band began to borrow the flag that is in the high school auditorium and to display it in their parades.

But, he explained, on the day of the parade members of the band were unable to gain access to the high school auditorium and faced the conundrum of pulling out of the parade or of marching with no American flag

That, in my view, obviously puts students who have pride in their work and country and who have practiced long and hard for their appearance before the public, between a rock and a hard place

Much to his credit, Dr. Herman stepped up to the plate and underscored without any equivocation or excuse that, “Not marching with the [American] flag is indefensible, and it will be taken care of and corrected.”

B-R High School principal, Dr. James Riccobono who is also a veteran, called me late this morning.  He emphasized that this “was not an intentional thing,” that the school district “wants to wave it (the flag) proudly . . .  it is prominent in our minds, and won’t happen again.”
He added that the Bridgewater-Raritan Marching Band has a drill routine that it uses at football games which ends with the unfurling of a 20 by 40 foot American flag.

Thanks for reading.  Stay engaged.

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