Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Governor Christie Favorably Assessed by Big Apple Newspaper

In a recent edition, The New York Times ran a highly favorable article on New Jersey’s Governor Chris Christie. It is so laudatory, that some of the governor’s critics might say that it belongs on the editorial pages, but I think that it’s fine just where it is in the N.Y./Region section of that newspaper.

If you are interested, you may read the entire 1200-word piece by Richard Pérez-Peña, which I recommend that you do.

Among other things, the writer states that, “Mr. Christie has turned out to be a far more deft politician than his detractors — and even some supporters — had expected,” and that “he took office to predictions that his hard-charging style would not work in the labyrinth of Trenton, where factions of party, region and interest group would slow him down.”

Peña goes on to write that Christie “confronted the powerful public employees’ unions and won, cutting future pensions and benefits, and persuaded voters to defeat hundreds of local school budgets” while breaking “with tradition by refusing to reappoint a State Supreme Court justice.”

The reporter underscores the governor’s direct style of communication, lack of prevarication, and his sense of humor.

Just click here for the rest of The New York Times story.

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