Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Storms, as When I Was a Boy

Yesterday, Priscille and I left Potomac, MD for Bridgewater, NJ before 9:00 AM with the objective of arriving here before the next blizzard battered the East Coast. About five hours later, after a blessedly uneventful motor trip that circumvented the busy coastal I-95 route, we arrived safely in Bridgewater.

Our trip to the Washington area to visit with family was memorable, one destined to live in our recollections for a long time: Almost three feet of snow in some places; power outages; snow so heavy that plows could not keep up; two days before the driveway could be cleared.

But the compensation was worth it: A solid grouping of days inside with family, doing all the things that families do when there is no electricity to power the electronics and modern appliances that we rely upon each day.
Makes you appreciate the truly basic elements of life: good family, health, conviviality; and, when the power returns, a celebration of thanks with hot food and good wine! We even had our own private prayer service on Sunday morning, right in the living room.

Oh! And did I fail to mention that all schools in Montgomery County, Maryland, are closed for the entire week? Even if the storm in Bridgewater is not as bad as the double punch that struck the nation’s Capital, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Bridgewater-Raritan School District take the next two days to dig itself out.

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