Monday, February 1, 2010

Bridgewater Township E-News

The last edition of the paper version of Bridgewater News, the official newsletter published by the Township of Bridgewater has been delivered to you by mail. The newsletter is now going electronic.

I had signed up for the E-NEWS version when it was first made available to Bridgewater residents. If you haven’t done so yet, and would like to receive it electronically, just send your name, address and e-mail address to You may also go to the Township’s home page at and follow the instructions.

For those of you who still would like to receive paper copies, the Winter 2010 edition states that, “A limited number of paper copies will be made available at locations throughout the Township.” Those locations are not specified in the notice, but I assume that two of those will be the Bridgewater Library, and Township Offices.

The E-NEWS is pretty good. It’s short enough so as not to be boring, yet complete enough to give you some very good information. Can you name all the members of the Bridgewater Township Council?

Matthew Moench is the new Council President. I first met Mr. Moench at my home one day when he was campaigning door-to-door for a seat on the Council.

Christine Rose was elected by the Council itself to replace Patrick Scaglione, who won a seat on the Somerset County Board of Chosen Freeholders. I served with Chris Rose on the Bridgewater-Raritan Board of Education. In her last year on the board, she was President, and I, Vice-President; I replaced her at the helm when she retired.

As political buffs in Bridgewater and Raritan may remember, those were very challenging years indeed!

Rounding out the list of five Council members are Howard Norgalis, Allen Kurdyla, and Dan Hayes, all of whom were elected by Bridgewater voters last fall. Congratulations to Councilmen emeritus Bob Albano and Michael Hsing who both retired after serving the community well.

A major highlight of E-NEWS is the Mayor’s Message. As Bridgewater Township’s most powerful elected official, Mayor Flannery has the responsibility to give an accounting to Bridgewater citizens. The information outlined in her message goes a long way in summarizing the Township’s activities, the tax impact of spending, as well as other matters that affect us all.

I wouldn’t mind seeing Bridgewater Township E-NEWS on a monthly basis.

NOTE: Some information in this post comes from E-NEWS;  Photo of Bridgewater Mayor, Patricia Flannery is Courtery/Bridgewater Township Web Site

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