Friday, February 5, 2010

The Limits of Human Ingenuity

Toyota has always been an icon of quality within the automotive industry. For years, it has won the approval of the car-buying public worldwide. It has consistently ranked at the very top in sales and has worked hard to earn its reputation for design excellence.

Yet, that reputation is now on the line due to significant concerns and recalls associated with consumers experiencing sudden acceleration and braking problems, some of which are reported to have led to serious accidents. Governmental regulatory authorities worldwide are getting involved, and there are likely to be hearings in Washington.

Although Toyota has introduced fixes for the problem, it’s not certain that the source has been definitively identified. But one thing appears to be certain: The root cause – though unintentional – seems to be associated with an industry design switchover from the traditional mechanical gas pedal to the electronic gas pedal assembly.

The latter design is far more complex and involves the use of an engine computer, a sensor, and an electronic pedal assembly – elements which are not present in the traditional design. One theory is that automotive electromagnetic interference may be involved as a causal factor, but there is no clear, conclusive evidence that has been presented to that effect.

Meanwhile, of course, consumers who own Toyotas continue to be concerned, just as I would be. Although it’s no consolation, this situation brings to mind the inherent limitations in the design of any product: You simply can’t get everything exactly right, all of the time, no matter how hard you try.

One pundit called the Toyota Motor Company, “the Tiger Woods” of the automotive industry. That was not only an unfair and insensitive comparison, but downright ignorant. No rational person would claim that Toyota willfully intended to shortchange its customers and to jeopardize their safety. On the other hand, Tiger Woods knew very well what he was doing and the potential consequences of his actions.

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