Sunday, February 10, 2008

An Unexpected Good Start

Saturday morning dawned crisp, cold and overcast in Bridgewater. As is my winter weekend morning habit, I arose early, put on a pot of coffee; donned a pair of sweats, a fleece vest, a hat, and walked down to the bottom of the driveway to pick up the newspapers.

There are several regular joggers in the neighborhood, so it’s not unusual to greet one as he or she passes by. Yesterday was no different. As I stooped to gather up one of the newspapers, a well-bundled young woman with just the oval of her face showing, slowed down from her jogging, picked up the other newspaper and handed it to me.

We exchanged greetings and smiles, and she continued on her way. What a refreshing occasion it is to run across such a simple yet meaningful act of kindness.

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