Friday, December 14, 2007

Thieves at Work

This morning, it was around 10:50 a.m., as my wife and I walked past the Nature’s Best kiosk at the Bridgewater Commons Mall, next to the Verizon store. I could tell from a distance that something was wrong. Two of Bridgewater’s finest were speaking with two young ladies who staff that kiosk daily, and who work darn hard at finding customers.

At we moved close enough to see what was going on, those were two definitely bummed out young persons and, rightfully so, because the two police officers weren’t there just to exchange pleasantries. I think it’s safe to say that the officers were investigating an irregularity, possibly a theft, and were taking down a report. The dejected look on the faces of those two workers said it all.

There are always people who will try to take advantage of someone else’s status in life. It really bugs me that some slug(s) would try to take advantage of two young people who are working so hard trying to make a living during this holiday season. But that’s what human slugs do, isn’t it: they try to take other people for a roll. I hope they get caught

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