Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The New Motor Vehicle Agency

I couldn’t believe the transformation when my wife and I walked into the offices of the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Agency on Roosevelt Place, in Somerville. I still remember the look and service of the old place, and that’s not a good memory.

This, however, is completely different. The Agency has remodeled the entire building. There is new, bright lighting, and the office environment is much more conducive for its employees to do good job. Half-an-hour after we walked in, we had our new digital licenses in hand and were good to go!

If you haven’t been there yet, you will notice a much-improved, very efficient system for moving people along and for processing licenses. You even get a bonus: The persons who operate the high-tech computers that take your picture even ask you if you like the photo. If you don’t, they will gladly snap another head shot. There is a flat screen monitor in front of you, so it’s easy. Nice touch.

Of course, you should still plan your visits not to coincide with peak people traffic. That means avoid the end of the month, if you possibly can.

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