Wednesday, November 7, 2012

JCP&L to Send out Estimated Bills

A giant falls to Hurricane Sandy. (Bergeron Image.)
In a conversation this afternoon with a customer service representative from Jersey Central Power and Light (a subsidiary of, I was advised that the remaining power outages in Bridgewater will  be restored no later than by the end of the day on Sunday, November 11th.
But no guarantees were forthcoming.
When asked about obtaining credit for the days during which JCP&L customers in Bridgewater lost power, the customer rep said that there is a “99% chance” that estimated bills will be sent out, and that they will be based upon either the previous month’s bill, or that of last year for the same billing period.
Additionally, I was told that customers will need to call JCP&L for an adjustment if the estimated  bill appears to be too high.  No other information was provided during that call concerning an automatic billing adjustment following the next meter reading.
The telephone number for JCP&L is 800-662-3115. 

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