Saturday, March 10, 2012

‘Eagle Writers’

Mr. Joseph Diskin, upper center, presents the Eisenhower
Intermediate School writing program to a
packed conference room. (Bergeron Image)
The topic presented and discussed at Bridgewater-Raritan’s School Board meeting several weeks ago by Mr. Joseph Diskin, Principal of the Eisenhower Intermediate School is one of my favorites – writing.
When Mr. Diskin began his PowerPoint presentation before a conference room full of admiring parents and other observers, ten ‘Eagle Writers’ – all students from Eisenhower – sat  attentively in the front row, concentrating on their principal’s words, in eager anticipation of what would be an opportunity to speak individually about each one's own writing experience.

An 'Eagle Writer' pensively listens to her school principal
while waiting for her opportunitdy to speak. (Bergeron Image)
The writing program which Diskin described in his presentation applies, of course, to all students at Eisenhower, but those who appeared before the BR-BOE at Tuesday’s meeting several weeks ago were the lucky ones selected to represent the school.

This program is remarkable.  It is a fundamental, yet exceptional endeavor to enrich the writing skills of all students, something that will equip them with language and comprehension tools to facilitate their success in all other subjects.

A proud mom listens to the
presentation and to each student's
discussion of writing.
(Bergeron Image)
In his presentation, Diskin summarized the school’s vision of “Integrating writing in all content areas, nurturing a love and appreciation of writing by all students, developing positive and confident writers, and the modeling good writing by all staff.”

The remainder of his talk was devoted to the reasons for the necessity of establishing a writing mindset; why writing is essential to learning; the key role that teachers play in the success of such a program; examples of how it is integrated in the curriculum; and a plan to make it succeed.

This effort, if Eisenhower students and teachers apply a heavy dose of mental muscle to it, will act as a fulcrum to leverage students’ ability to develop their critical thinking – a lifelong attribute from which will spring both personal and societal rewards.

Two of the ten 'Eagle Writers' patiently anticipate
speaking about their writing. (Bergeron Image)
Sitting in a front corner of the conference room that night, I had a perfect close-up view of the people in the front rows.

It was obvious from that vantage point that parents, teachers and others who had come to see the students were bursting with pride and admiration as each one of ten ‘Eagle Writers’ rose from their front row chairs to briefly describe their personal attachment to the craft of writing and their love for it.

Thanks for reading.  Enjoy the rest of this sunny weekend.

(Click on any image for an enhanced view.)

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