Friday, September 16, 2011

School Board in Very Early Stage of Redistricting

At its work session on Tuesday of this week, the Bridgewater-Raritan Board of Education entered into a brief, initial discussion about the need for the redistricting of its schools.  As demographic patterns continually shift within this large and widely dispersed school district, it’s a topic which comes up with unpredictable regularity.

Lynne Hurley, Chairperson of the Finance & Transportation Committee, led off the discussion as part of her committee report, explaining that “redistricting will help to balance out enrollment in our schools,” following up with “we (the committee) had a lively discussion” on this topic.
Penny Wolf, a 20-year Bridgewater resident, advises the Bridgewater-Raritan Board of Education not to consider any school building closings during the redistricting analysis. (Photo/Dick Bergeron)
Tuesday evening, the Board was working with a bare quorum of five of its members, with the other four unable to attend that evening.  As Board Vice-President and Facilities Chairperson, Patrick Breslin, pointed out – the accompanying observation is mine – the issues, challenges, and problems which inevitably accompany “declining enrollment will have a full Board discussion later.”

Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Michael Schilder offered his view of what could be a six-step process for the Board’s consideration.  I have taken minimal journalistic liberty with the wording of the following recommended steps:

  • Establish a set of potential options for redistricting.
  • Put these options on the table before the B-R BOE for its review and discussion.
  • Once the Board agrees to or modifies the options, hand them off to a (yet-to-be-named) task force for its consideration and input.
  • Present the findings of the task force to the Board of Education for its review.
  • Provide ample opportunity for public observation and comment during this process.
  • Once the Board is satisfied that the topic has been thoroughly analyzed and properly vetted, it will come to a final determination on redistricting.
As he spoke on this matter, Schilder acknowledged that he was taking into consideration prior public comments by former Board Member, Mr. Howard Teichman in that a set of preliminary options should be established (by Board Members and the Administration) before the redistricting issue is presented to the public or to a task force for consideration.
The redistricting question is at its very earliest stage of discussion, and those who have been through it before know that it can at times be a maddening, frustrating and stressful process.  Yet I believe that parents should be reassured – while remaining vigilant – that the Board and its Administration will vet the issue thoroughly before any final recommendations and conclusions are made.

Thanks for reading.  Enjoy the sunshine and early fall temps!

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