Saturday, March 27, 2010

Tentative Agreement Reached with BREA

Friday night, at a special session of the Bridgewater-Raritan Board of Education at the High School auditorium, Board President Jeffrey Brookner disclosed that a provisional agreement had been reached with representatives of the Bridgewater-Raritan Education Association on wage and/or benefits concessions.

Mr. Brookner stated that the Board Negotiations Team and BREA representatives had reached this agreement only about an hour before the start of the public meeting. It calls for employees of the association to give up $1.4 million in concessions, in exchange for the Board’s reinstating of a like amount of budget cuts in the form of positions and program restorations.

Superintendent Dr. Michael Schilder described to the audience where these job and program restorations would tentatively be made in the budget. Representatives of the BREA have not yet identified the nature of the $1.4M in givebacks.

This provisional agreement needs to be ratified by the membership of the BREA before the Board of Education can act upon it. A ratification meeting is scheduled to take place on Monday, March 29th at 4 PM in the High School auditorium, where the membership will be presented with the details.

On Wednesday, March 31st, at the Wade Administration Building in Martinsville, the Board of Education will meet at 8:00 AM to vote on a final budget. The meeting will be short, as the Board is expected to take a straight up or down vote.

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