Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Subtle Pullback

In a little noticed Associated Press report, President Barack Obama seems to be pulling back from his previous full court press to enact into law hurried healthcare legislation before the end of the August Congressional recess.

In the report by two AP reporters, Obama is quoted as saying, “Let’s pass reform by the end of this year.” That statement is an acknowledgement by the President that his own party wants him to slow down on this issue, and that his arm-twisting may not be enough to line up all the cats before the August deadline.

Reading from a script during a brief televised appearance early Tuesday afternoon, the President not once mentioned his August deadline. When it was finished, he quickly walked away, permitting no questions from reporters.

The President will now get more airtime on TV to try to get you in his corner. He then goes on the road to sell the program. Keep your thinking cap on. In healthcare, we don’t need the kind of fractured rescue plan that President Bush foisted upon the economy and which President Obama eagerly adopted and expanded.

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