What you can’t see in this photo are all the busy bees around and under the tents, who are laboring to sort out all of the donations. Since September 8th, this wonderful group of professionals, supported by dozens of volunteers, has been receiving donations of everything except, perhaps, the kitchen sink. Wednesday, September 26, between 10 am and 1 pm is the last day for dropping off donations.
Yesterday, my spouse and I headed for the Far Hills Fairgrounds. We made two round trips with the Subaru – back seats down – filled to capacity with countless items, about which we kept deluding ourselves we would have a yard sale. Good intentions. Never happened! This solution is much more satisfying, and the proceeds will be put to better use.
If you’d like to contribute some good stuff, you still have tomorrow if you hurry. This event is well organized and, even before the rummage sale begins in October, there already is a tired but, I hope, happy bunch of volunteers who are working their butts off receiving all the contributions. Now, they have only about a week left to complete preparations for the expected crowds. Tough work, but good rewards.
Note: See the VNA home page for more info: http://www.visitingnurse.org/
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