This current photo depicts what looks like a cargo container situated on private property in the Bradley Gardens section of Bridgewater. It’s located about halfway down a long access driveway leading directly to the Sellars Maintenance Facility at 301 Old York Road.
The long, rectangular lot on which it sits is a grassy, well-maintained piece of land which also abuts the back yards of many homes lining the east side of Red Oak Way. However, according to an explanation by a township official at the regular meeting of the Bridgewater Township Council on Monday evening, September 17th, this unit is not in violation of existing township regulations, provided that it is given the proper setback and that it is placed on a permanent footing.
That came as a complete surprise to all five of Bridgewater’s Township Council members who were completely taken aback.
It was through the efforts of the Sarafinos who reside on Red Oak Way and of some of their neighbors who were at the Court House Annex that Council members heard of this situation on Monday, as they were handed a petition and photos by Mrs. Sarafino, who spoke at the meeting.
The reaction of Council members was swift and stern: “This is a heck of a big loophole that we need to close,” said Mr. Norgalis. “We need to take a long hard look at accessory structures,” said Mr. Hsing in astonishment, “we did not do our job right – shameful – we did not do our job,” Mr. Hsing went on, in reference to the regulations on the use of pods. “It defies the logic of being a pod,” added Mr. Kurdyla. Clearly concerned, Mr. Scaglione forcefully underscored that, “We let it go on too long.”
Summarizing the feelings and intentions of all Council members, Mr. Albano, Council President, concluded with, “We need to reexamine (the use of) accessory building structures,” on private property in Bridgewater Township.
If you persevere, “city hall” really can listen to your pleas.
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