Saturday, May 5, 2007

Bridgewater and Raritan Officials cut School Budget Increase

Raritan Borough and Bridgewater Township have apparently all but formalized their adoption of reductions to the increase in the Bridgewater-Raritan school budget – it was overwhelmingly defeated by voters on April 17.

Initial reduction targets discussed by elected representatives of the Borough and the Township are thought to have been even higher than the $2.2 million laid on the table before representatives of the school administration and of the BR-BOE. But the final number tentatively concurred upon in discussions between the three entities now calls for a reduction of $1.6 million to the 2007/2008 school budget total of $133 million, which includes debt service from prior referendums. Should the school board approve this cut, the original $6.1 million budget increase placed before the voters on April 17th, will have been chipped down to a $4.5 million hike.

On Tuesday, May 8, at 8:00 pm, in the Wade building in Martinsville, the newly installed school board will meet to discuss and to vote upon accepting the $1.6 million cut. If it does, the matter then goes back to the Borough and the Township for what could be their final stamp of approval. The May 8th meeting will be open to the public for comment.

1 comment:

Sarah B said...

I am glad that I came across your blog!! I am sure that I am going to be able to read only the best and honest opinions which, you know, I highly value.
Keep it up.