Monday, April 25, 2016

Forbes Advances a Compelling Socio-Economic Argument

Forbes with a book fan. (Bergeron Image)

A week ago yesterday, on a beautifully sunny afternoon, Priscille and I attended Steve Forbes’ discussion of his latest book, Reviving America, at the library in Bridgewater.

The nature of book signings is as varied as the personality of the authors.  Some writers, pleasant as they can be, will simply be introduced to their audience, say a few words, and politely put their John Hancock to paper.

On the other hand, some writers will speak at length to a captivating audience that is just as eager to hear what the author has to say as they are to obtain his signature.

Listening to Forbes falls in the second category.  It’s like being exposed to a flow of information presented with a rare clarity dispensed from a man who has devoted a lifetime honing his skills on economic matters.

Non-fiction books can be very dry and boring, but not this one.

The darndest thing about Forbes is that he has a unique ability to mix humor with facts, while holding the listener raptly attentive to his every word:  He strings each one into easy-to-understand ideas that are compelling for their practicality and wisdom.

That last word, wisdom, is a sadly missing ingredient in what has become the noxious mix of fiscal and monetary policies cobbled together over the years by the Oval Office, Capitol Hill and the Federal Reserve.

We all have paid for that deficit in thinking.

In Forbes’ book (written with the assistance of Elizabeth Ames), you will not find the hottest economic trend or nouvelle idée. 
To the contrary, its pages contain a well-honed plan that Forbes has been assembling and promoting for a long time, over a career spanning decades.

This book presents a strategy that addresses the long festering causal factors that have slowed the nation’s progress.

Forbes highlights three major points which, if seriously considered and implemented could get this nation’s engine back on track and running smoothly again; namely the reform of healthcare, taxes, and the Federal Reserve.

And you thought we had already rehabilitated healthcare with the Affordable Care Act?

How naïve have we become?

A house without books is like a room without windows. – Henry Ward Beecher

Thanks for checking in again.  Spring is here!
Note:  Read Tricia Vanderhoof’s February interview with Steve Forbes in the Courier News.

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