Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Apple Stonewalls FBI Request, Part II

Gatehouse, Swain's Lock, C&O Canal, Potomac, MD (Bergeron Image)

(Author’s Note:  In my prior post of Sunday, March 13, 2016, I discussed the problems facing U.S. security agencies as they attempt to obtain release of encrypted information stored on the iPhones of actual and potential terrorists.  The post below is the second half of that topic.)

American high-tech firms with international operations continue to expand production in mainland China.  Luring them is the siren song of higher profit margins made available by an apparently endless supply of low-cost labor, as well as the prospect of expanded revenues for products and services sold within the Chinese internal market.

One American firm with such ambitions is Apple.  That company, according to my assessment of Herman’s article referred to in my previous post, has responded to demands by Chinese government officials concerning customer information much differently than it has to the recent request made by the FBI to unlock the iPhone of the San Bernardino terrorist shooter.

Herman writes that “Apple is the first foreign company that has agreed to let China carry out security checks on its devices in obedience to the counterterrorism and national security law passed [in China] in November, 2014.”

He adds that Apple obligingly stores its information on Chinese users on servers in China; it has also agreed to inspections by Internet police of the data stored there.”

His revelations get to the very core (no pun intended!) of why Apple may be so intransigently hypocritical about its refusal to share information with the FBI while simultaneously caving in to Chinese government demands for customer surveillance.

The authoritarian regime of China will brook no attempts by its citizens to free expression over the World Wide Web.  Instead it professes the appearance of doing so while controlling access and restricting Internet usage, thereby constricting the flow of information for its own citizens.
In his essay about Internet Security, Herman pinpoints the reason for Apple’s policy inconsistency: “with 70 percent of its manufacturing based in China, it’s not surprising that Apple executives will do little or nothing to endanger the company’s relations with the Communist Government.”

Apple’s Catch-22 is that it is embroiled in a contradictory situation:  It refuses to provide American security agencies with access to data about potential terrorist activities, while simultaneously assisting the authoritarian regime of China to limit and surveil the Internet activities of its own citizens.

In Commentary, Herman opines about Apple’s privacy practices in China: 
There are still questions, however, about Apple’s willingness to facilitate Chinese surveillance of [its] citizens.”
·         Will Apple executives agree to install ‘back doors’ in products enabling the Chinese government to enhance its snooping?

·         Will the company hand over to the Communist government source codes for the encryption of iPhones (something it refused to do in the case of the American federal government)?”

Sound familiar?

As Apple continues to resist the legitimate requests of U.S. Government agencies charged with protecting Americans from terrorists’ threats from within and without, keep this in in mind:
Effectively, there is an enormous policy chasm as to how Apple responds to data requests of U.S. security agencies fighting terrorism, and of how it responds to the demands of the Chinese government as the latter willfully controls the flow of information over the World Wide Web for its own people within and beyond Chinese borders.

Thanks for reading, and take care of yourselves out there.

“Few men are so clever as to know all the mischief they do.” (Rochefoucauld)

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