Thursday, January 29, 2015

Belichick, Brady and their now Ego-Deflated Inquisitors

Patriots logo as cropped from our NFL lawn flag. (Bergeron Images)

Once, years ago, when a candidate for the Bridgewater-Raritan Board of Education was running for a seat after becoming thoroughly disgusted with the actions of a few board members, he was quoted by the media as saying, “I’ve seen enough and heard enough.”

That quote accurately reflects my sentiments about the concocted issue that has been swirling around the topic of football inflation.

Since a week ago last Sunday when the New England Patriots blew away the Indianapolis Colts 45-7, thereby earning the right to move ahead to play for the the biggest prize of all in Super Bowl XLIX, Pats haters have raised their ugly voices in unison, yet without any proof to demand the heads of Bill Belichick and Tom Brady, preferably that of the former.

Another quote, this one from a Wendy’s marketing effort comes to mind:  Where’s the beef?”

All this controversy is because the New England Patriots, whose only apparent transgression this year has been winning a heck of a lot of football games, have been accused of clinching the AFC Championship contest by rigging it with under-inflated footballs.  Baloney!

No data in support of this charge have been presented by sore-losing opponents or by under-informed, fact-free sports writers, mind you. 
Who needs evidence?  Guilty as charged.  Now on to carrying out the penalty:  If Pats haters had the benefit of an enforcing unit like ISIS, Belichick and Brady would be running out onto the field this Sunday like chickens with their heads freshly chopped off.

But hold on a minute.  People who think before they tap the keys, those who wait for the evidence to come in are beginning to take another view.  Belichick’s last two press conferences have already begun to deflate the penalty-laden expectations of some of these write-before-you-think sports columnists.

Even Star-Ledger sports pundit Steve Politi has toned down his over-inflated rhetoric of retribution in his recent columns with today’s piece entitled, “It’s good to be Gronk.  For Pats’ tight end, there’s always time for fun.  Thanks for presenting some balance; better late than never.

Go Pats!

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