Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Great Spring Weekend

In one of her high school acting roles, this one
about a year ago, Margot Bergeron performs
in 'Grease.' 
It’s been an unpredictable spring:  warm and pleasant one day, cold and damp the next.  But that’s April, now ready to exit from this year’s calendar. 

No complaints though,  because it’s the rain and the variability of the early spring that bring nature into full bloom and which make way for the warmth of May and the summer to follow.

This weekend was as good as it gets.  Warm enough to work outside; to go fishing; to sit on the outdoor rocker with a book; or simply to edit the draft of a post at the patio table. 

On Saturday, Pris and I chose to spend the afternoon with the Hamilton branch of the family, prompted by the performance of our granddaughter Margot who sung at a local church event, enchanting us with my favorite song from Les Misérables, I Dreamed a Dream. 

I love those lyrics.  They conjure up one of the most poignant images of what life sometimes dishes out:  events beyond our control.

Pink on Green:  A tulip in Dave
and Jeanette's garden.
Later in the afternoon, we gathered in Bridgewater for a momentous neighborhood party at which both the Hamilton and Potomac branches of our family were able to join in. 

On behalf of everyone present  – all of whom thoroughly enjoyed themselves – thanks and gratitude go out to Rich and Denise next door for hosting this get-together – no party poopers at this one. 

Lots of kids; lots of friends and family; great food; great conversation; and great wine!  We all came out of it with a takeaway of memories to store for later retrieval and enjoyment.

Sunday morning, the sun came up over the Watchung Range just as bright and cozy as it had been the previous day.  The Lambertville Shad Festival was well underway for the weekend, so Pris and I drove down to this Delaware River shorefront community to take in the sights and the sounds, and the inviting aromas of the outdoor food vendors. 

The Full Moon Cafe, open for breakfast and lunch
on Bridge Street, in Lambertville, New Jersey.
When we arrived in early morning, the parking spaces along both sides of Bridge Street were already cordoned off to accommodate the large number of day-trippers. 
Security personnel were ubiquitously present and ready to keep the traffic moving, to help pedestrians at crosswalks, to keep everyone safe and to maintain order – just in case anyone entertained other ideas.

The sponsors of this event would not be disappointed.  Although finding a parking space was already a problem, we lucked out and found one along the canal about a block north of the center of town.  On Sundays, Lambertville gives early arrivals a break on parking meters.  Ours did not require coins until 1:00 PM.  Nice courtesy.   

If you want to try something different, consider the Full Moon Café.  It’s open for breakfast and lunch and has an eclectic menu for only a couple of bucks more than you might expect to pay at your favorite diner in Somerset County.

Thanks for reading and take care of yourself.  Remember this:  We often think that there is plenty of time – until there is no more.

(Click on any image for an enhanced view.)

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