Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Time for Hope

Tip O’Neill, that jovial Irishman from Boston who served effectively for years as speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, is noted for having coined the aphorism, “All politics is local.”

The cross above my writing desk
holds the eternal promise of Easter.
For your consideration, I offer this variation from another realm:  All religious belief is local – not simply geographically, but more so in one’s heart.”

No better expression of this have I witnessed than that which is evident in the spiritual events of this past week. 

For people of the Judeo-Christian tradition, it was an occasion to remember, to reflect upon, and to celebrate one of the holiest periods on the Jewish and Christian calendars.

Those of the Jewish faith commemorate the days of Passover (Pesach), a time to observe the deliverance of the Jewish people from the bondage of slavery in Egypt. 

For Christians throughout the world, this sacred time brings back the memory of a man who died at the command of a Roman prefect by one of the most ignominious and brutal manners of execution – crucifixion – a death so slow and painful, that it was reserved exclusively for non-Romans.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Is This Leadership?

The association representing the teachers of the Bridgewater-Raritan School District long ago settled its labor differences.  Its membership is now working under new contract arrangements.

However, two high-level, well-paid bargaining groups representing principals and supervisors have not yet settled their labor disputes.

Moreover, negotiations have stalled.  Principals and supervisors have declared an impasse and are preparing to enter formal mediation.
At this writing, no information has been forthcoming as to why these leadership teams of the Bridgewater-Raritan School District are unable to come to terms with the board of education.

How could this be?

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Man from Argentina

Pope Francis 1st bows before thousands of the
faithful in Saint Peter's Square, asking for their
blessing on March 13, 2013.
He is not only the first pope to assume the name Francis, but Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a Jesuit, is also the first person outside of Rome and below the equator to become the leader of the Catholic Church.

Francis 1st is a man of humility, compassion, and has an innate dislike for self-assumed pomposity.  As a Cardinal in Argentina, he lived in an unpretentious apartment, cooked his own meals, and rode the bus to work.  Before embarking for Rome, he declined the offer of a new pair of shoes
Catholicism needs more men such as this.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

If Saint Patrick has anything to do with it . . .

. . . . perhaps an Irish-American cardinal will emerge as the next pope.  Catholic thought has it that whenever cardinal electors (there are 115 of them in Rome today) gather in the Sistine Chapel, the Holy Spirit guides the proceedings.

Shortly before 3:00 p.m. EDT today, Angelo Scola
of Milan and Odilo Pedro Sherer of Sao Paolo, Brazil
are thought to have emerged from the first round of
voting as leading candidates.
(FoxNews TV Screenshot/by Dick Bergeron) 
If so, perhaps the patron saint of Ireland, a man who certainly earned his wings through successful efforts to tame the Emerald Isle, could whisper a recommendation or two in the ears of the Almighty.
I like Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York (age 62), and Séan O’Malley of Boston (age 68), both very different, yet both highly qualified. 

Cardinal Dolan has boundless energy and a strong character.  John Allen of the National Catholic Reporter describes him as “evangelization on steroids. . .easily the most charismatic, media savvy and engaging personality” of the 115 candidates.  Moreover, this man knows how to draw a line in the sand.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

“What’s the Holdup . . . ?”

. . . . was the question posed by CNN anchorwoman Erin Burnett yesterday on her TV show, Outfront. 

Erin Burnett of CNN challenges timing of Papal
Conclave.  (CNN TV Screenshot by Dick Bergeron.)
Burnett expressed concern about what she considers to be a delay in the beginning of the Conclave to elect a successor to Pope Benedict XVI who recently resigned.  She wants to be given a date specific – golly gee!
Ms. Burnett is a person who knows little or nothing about the Roman Catholic Papacy and the process of Papal succession.  Yet she demonstrated unabashed immaturity and a shortsighted willingness to put on display her bias and ignorance before an international TV audience.

What’s the holdup?” she demanded, wanting to know why there is “no urgency in any way, shape or form.  “Why,” she continued petulantly [such a delay] “for one of the most powerful jobs on earth?

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Executive who refused to Execute

President Obama addresses the press corps
 yesterday on sequestration.
(Fox News TV Screenshot by Dick Bergeron)
After a cursory gathering with leaders of Congress yesterday, President Barack Obama held a little publicized, yet dour press conference to report on the results of that meeting. 

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and their lieutenants were invited to that get-together.

As anyone who is following this latest of beltway originated crises knows, that get-together yielded no progress on the now politically ubiquitous topic of sequestration.
It’s not even clear why the President called this meeting at the 11th hour, on the last day possible to negotiate a solution.  Not he, his staff, nor anyone else in the leadership of Congress had the appetite to effect a compromise.