Monday, February 6, 2012

Could this man hold the key . . . .

. . . . . as to whether or not the Bridgewater Township Council will take action this evening, February 6th,  at its regular session meeting  (7:30 P.M.) to separate local voters from exercising their voting privilege with respect to the Bridgewater-Raritan School Budget? 

Mr. Allen Kurdyla listens to the comments of a citizen
at the February 2, 2012 meeting of the Bridgewater
Township Council.
Traditionally, the school budget is voted upon in April of each year, together with the election of three school board members who are installed for a three-year cycle.  There are nine members on the Bridgewater-Raritan Board of Education, and a different group of three people comes up for re-election annually. 

The new law permits either the school board or officials which serve on the municipal councils of Bridgewater and Raritan to eliminate the ability of Bridgewater and Raritan citizens to vote on the budget.

There are many reasons pro and con for either removing or retaining the ability of local citizens to exercise their voting franchise on that budget.  But that is not the topic of this post.

Which elected body gets to make that decision is the key issue of the moment.

At the last BR-BOE meeting on Tuesday, January 24th, the board had a vigorous discussion about whether or not to strip the vote from the public, with no consensus reached that evening.  The debate was a healthy one. 

Another meeting of that body is scheduled for February 14th, at which time it is hoped that the BR-BOE will come to a final decision on the matter.  February 16th, if needed, is being held in reserve.

Enter the municipal bodies:  This evening, February 6th, when the Bridgewater Township Council takes up this matter which is currently listed for discussion on its agenda, it could move to take the issue out of the hands of the board of education completely by eliminating the public vote on the budget.

From my observations at the Bridgewater Township Council meeting of Thursday, February 2nd, that body appeared to be leaning towards a decision that would do that.

I could be wrong.

Council President Allen Kurdyla made it clear at the end of the council’s discussion last week that he “won’t offer a position pro or con,” but that he would “express our concerns” to BR-BOE President, Evan Lerner and seek feedback  He added that, “If push comes to shove and we have to vote, we will have information.”

But Mr. Lerner cannot speak on behalf of the full board, because it has not met on this matter since January 24th, and no one knows what the full board’s formal position would be at its next meeting on February 14th.


Although the municipal councils of Bridgewater and Raritan are permitted under the new law to make this call, it is far more appropriate to let the board of education itself take full responsibility for it – one way or the other.

This is a decision better left to the BR-BOE to decide so that it can determine its own fate.  There is no need to push this thing through.  There is always next year.

Mr. Allen Kurdyla, as President of the Bridgewater Township Council retains the option in his role as president to remove this item from the agenda tonight.  He should be supported in that endeavor by the other council members.

That, I believe, would be a very wise move which will give everyone a chance to take a long deep breath, to relax, and to leave the choice to the Bridgewater-Raritan Board of Education where, I believe, it properly resides.

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