Friday, January 8, 2010

Transparency According to Frank Pallone

Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. who represents the New Jersey 6th Congressional District doesn’t see any lack of transparency by President Obama, the Senate, or the House of Representatives when it comes to the national debate on healthcare.

In a TV interview yesterday, Pallone said, “It’s inevitable that there be some private discussions, and that’s what you are seeing now.”

Apparently it doesn’t much matter to the congressman that Obama has reneged on his promise to televise the healthcare debate on C-Span; that Reid and Pelosi are excluding Republicans from meetings; or that this president is also having closed-door meetings with congressional leaders while excluding all media and members of the opposing party.

Pallone must be quite confident in his reelection chances and doesn’t seem to care about the integrity of the healthcare process. But then who else in the Democrat-led New Jersey delegation does? Even our two senators Menendez and Lautenberg are sending us the message that what’s good for the White House is good for New Jersey.

Take a look at how gerrymandered the 6th Congressional District is as it snakes along from Plainfield to Asbury Park, and then you will know the real reason why Pallone can be so blasé about the security of his position in the House of Representatives.

Note: After a challenge by C-span, there is now the possibility that the Obama administration will permit a one hour infomercial explaining ex post facto what it is about to do on healthcare.

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