Saturday, December 19, 2009

Blitzing Snowflakes

When I awoke and alighted from bed early this morning, it was still very dark outside, and there were no signs of the impending snowstorm. I like to get up early on Saturdays – no sleeping in for me. There were a couple of choices this morning: Go out and get some Christmas shopping done or stay snugly at home.

I chose a variation of the second choice: Get outside in the back yard and do some cleaning up and wood cutting before the storm hits. (I’m not a big fan of crashing the Bridgewater Commons Mall on a Saturday when everyone else will be frantically shopping before the snows come down.)

For those of you who will bravely drive to that big luxurious emporium off Commons Way, you will be pleased to discover that some soft new seating has been installed for your tushes to rest upon as you take a breather in between store visits. The new seating replaces all of the old wooden benches which were slowly being removed as they started deteriorating and eventually broke down. I thought they would never be replaced!

As for me, I headed outdoors after breakfast to do a little cleaning up and to saw some wood for the fireplace. It was 22° when I bundled up and walked into the back yard towards the wood pile. Not a soul outdoors but me. Even the traffic out front was light. I’d bet a $10 bill that not a dozen people in Bridgewater were out working on their properties at that hour.

Having spent half my life in Massachusetts; four years half-way up the state of Maine; and nearly another four years about a mile from the shore of Lake Ontario in New York State, getting out in the cold today was no big deal. After a little outdoor exertion the body warms up and the air becomes invigorating – another blessing from just being alive.

I finished everything ahead of the snows: At the moment, around 3:20 pm, the storm is claiming Bridgewater. Thanks for reading and be sure to take care of yourselves. Be especially careful to drive safely on those soon-to-become treacherous roadways.

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