Thursday, November 24, 2016

How About an Adult Time Out?

If you still read print newspapers as I do, you would do well to skip the editorials in The Star-Ledger and the Courier News today.  The latter was marginally better than the former, but still too off-key for my taste on this, the day of America’s celebration of Thanksgiving. 
Since when did America’s ability to give thanks and praise for its hard-won abundance become hostage to the results of a national presidential election?

This morning, both editorial writers missed the mark by a superabundant margin!

Samples:  The Star-Ledger writes that “We still believe much of the American creed, but that doesn’t mean it won’t get spiky around the dinner table today.” The writer bemoans that “Some of us just spent 18 months living in a perpetual state of xenophobic paranoia”

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Never in all of my born days . . .

. . . and there are plenty of those behind me, have I experienced such a divisive national election.  Is there any doubt about the corrosiveness of this situation? 

It’s been bubbling up for decades and seems to have come to a tipping point with this plebiscite as we, the electorate, head to the polls to register our choice for the next occupant of the Oval Office.

It seems to me that there are large cult-like followings for each of the presidential candidates – logic and respect for civil discussion flew out the window months ago.