Annalee Dolls from Priscille's collection welcome our guests. |
America is not such a bad place after all. If it were, would there be such a tsunami of immigrants washing across this country seeking a better life?
The uncontrolled flow of immigrants into the United States would be even larger, were it not for two oceans separating us from the hundreds of thousands of Middle East refugees:
They have no place to go, except to risk their lives to reach Europe and, once there, to seek solace and a good life in the heart of its great cities.
Moreover, if there were a geographic land bridge connecting the Middle East to America, Syrian refugees would be pouring across it to reach the U.S.
A visualization of the tired minds and bodies of undocumented Latin American immigrants streaming across our southern border, together with those of Syrian refugees desperately seeking asylum in Europe paints a self-evident picture: